poetry, Quote of the Day, Tolerance

Quash the ignorant with enlightenment

montana snowI made the long journey from Oregon to Montana yesterday.

In Oregon, you can’t pump your own gas. In my RV, you have to open the driver’s door in order to open the gas tank. This usually means that I spend the next few minutes answering questions about mileage, my tires or my destination. Every once in a while, I get to dig into the life of the person standing in the rain who deals with people all day.

Yesterday it was a man who happens to work part-time at a gas station,  happens to be black and happens to be work full-time as a fireman. He told me about a woman who threw out the comment, “You’re probably a convicted felon…” as flippant as a statement about the weather. As my face grew hot with disgust and rage and shame, I asked him how he responded.

“I told her they don’t hire convicted felons.” He turned to me and smiled as I waited for more. But clearly that was it. I raised my eyebrows and nodded with respect. “Way to rise above, ” I said.

“The ignorance just keeps growing…” he said, shaking his head. My tank was full and he had to move on to more customers whom I hoped were more kind and less ignorant than the one he described. He wished me safe travels home and I left that small town in which I was born. That small town filled with family I love and memories that warm my heart. The old phrase from college fills my head again:

Quash the ignorant with enlightenment. STAT.

Endurance, poetry, Quote of the Day, Tolerance

Our Luminous Souls

A faint glimmer of hope continues to grow stronger as voices unite. Let the angry hold up the sad until the sad hold up the angry. Let the strong hold up the weak until they grow strong together. Let the tentative be beckoned by the brave until a wall of indomitable force is built. Let this become the foundation of a flame that is passed on and on like the Olympic torch. Let the integrity of our souls shimmer and sparkle; intertwining to create a light so luminous it can’t be ignored.

Let us


for this fight.



Quote of the Day, Tolerance

Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem


“A system is corrupt when it is strictly profit-driven, not driven to serve the best interests of its people.”
― Suzy KassemRise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Nature, Perspective, Quote of the Day, Tolerance

August 12, 2013

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”

― Wendy MassThe Candymakers

nature adjusted photoWind River, Washington


Endurance, Music, Perspective, Tolerance

January 2, 2013

Ok, I know I normally post quick affirmations or quotes that you can put in your pocket and read throughout the day, but I wanted to share a project I completed yesterday. This song helped me get through some of the crazy days of 2012..

Dedicated to everyone picking up the pieces after the tragedies of 2012.  While holding those lost in our hearts, may we make 2013 a beautiful year.

Endurance, Perspective, Quote of the Day, Tolerance

December 30, 2012

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring: all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ~ Leo F. Buscaglia


Bozeman, Montana

Endurance, Nature, Perspective, Quote of the Day, Tolerance

December 28, 2012




 “In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher.” ~ Dalai Lama

DSC00048Someday I will master this pose and fall over with joy. – Bend, Oregon